At Faith Christian Outreach Center, we're always excited to welcome new visitors. We hope you'll join us for a service, and we would like to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Here's what you can expect when you come to either our 9:00 a.m. Sessions or 10:00 a.m. Worship Service.
Our church is located at 533 West Fifth Street and parking is located at the corner of Plainfield Avenue and West 5th. If you have young children, we have Nursery and Children's Ministry available for your convenience.
Please don't worry about not having anything to wear to church, for we truly believe people should come to God as they are. Once you walk in the doors, you'll see that the congregation has all types of dress. While a few people in the church wear ties, others like to remind them that Jesus never wore a tie. Jeans are as welcome as suits, and you'll see both.
When you walk in, one of our ushers will greet you at the door, if you like, introduce yourself. They can also help you find the Nursery and Children's Ministry if you have children. During Worship you will be given a Visitor's Packet. We ask that you fill out the Visitor's Card enclosed and return it to an usher or put it in the offering basket. We would like to contact you to thank you for worshiping with us. No worries, we do not consistently bother you. We just want to say thank you and find out if you have any questions about anything that occurred during your visit.
We'd also love to get to know you so that you will be a familiar face the next time you come.